Interview with PA Scholar, Adelei Tock

1. What motivated you to apply for the PA Scholarship?
I was driven by a strong desire to serve the community and make a difference
in the public sector.
My time as an intern at North West Community Development Council (CDC)
made me realise the importance of strengthening interpersonal bonds, and
how that will impact Singapore’s social compact. Being actively involved
on the ground during my internship period and participating in various
volunteering experiences solidified my aspiration to serve and give back
to society. I believe there is no better way to achieve this than by directly
addressing the needs of citizens and solving key challenges. Challenges
in the world constantly evolve, and I hope to utilise my skills and experiences,
along with a fresh perspective from my recent education to bring new ideas
that will benefit the community.
2. How has the scholarship supported you in your academic journey?
The scholarship serves a driving force and motivation for me to engage
in a wide range of academic and co-curricular activities in university,
with the aim of making a greater contribution to the community after completing
my education.
I have always wanted to do political science and delve into areas such as law and economics. This has been made possible with the scholarship, enabling me to diversify my academic experiences and hone myself in a more all-rounded way. I was also able to pursue my interests in theatre, knowing that it allows me to enhance my public speaking skills and articulate my thoughts more effectively. Additionally, the scholarship has heightened my motivation to volunteer with a sense of purpose to residents and the community, and to interact with people from different countries as an ambassador in the Asian Youth Leaders Organisation.
3. What are some valuable experiences you’ve gained as an undergraduate student in university?
In SMU, I have learnt to become more outspoken and to respond better to
social situations. In a university that promotes collaborative learning,
teamwork and leadership, I have been exposed to many circumstances that
require me to contribute to a team, allowing me to work with people from
different backgrounds and working styles. These skills are especially useful
when interacting with residents on the ground, and in various working environments
in future.
Time management is also a valuable skill that I have learnt in university. As students are expected to create their own schedules, I am prompted to balance academics, co-curricular activities, volunteering, and social life. As someone who is committed to give my best in all that I do, self-discipline and proactiveness in seeking help are essential to succeed in doing the above.
4. What kind of impact do you hope to have in your future career with PA?
In these trying times, I believe that it is crucial for citizens to work
hand in hand with the government, based on shared interests to progress
and prosper. As such, I hope to strengthen both people-to-people and people-to-government
bonds by promoting greater harmony and increasing collaboration.
Maintaining racial and inter-generational harmony amidst geopolitical events and an aging population in Singapore is essential for our unique demographics to thrive in the long term. To enhance ties, I believe in greater dialogues between the government and people to understand the interests and perspectives of the nation. Asking questions and engaging in conversations will foster emergence of new ideas and perspectives, ultimately contributing to the nation’s progress.